Developed with

95% of pressure ulcers are preventable. The Stop The Pressure Game is designed to help your organisation eliminate avoidable pressure ulcers. It helps improve patient safety training for all health and social care staff around pressure ulcer prevention. It gives staff the opportunity to discuss the risk factors for pressure ulcers, how to manage and prevent them.

Face-to-face and online versions available
Players will learn about

- Causes of pressure ulcers
- Risk factors
- Preventative interventions including SSKIN
Who should play the game?
The game is suitable for all frontline health and care staff in any care setting who wishes to educate themselves about pressure ulcers and how to eliminate avoidale ones. Staff have the opportunity to discuss risk factors and how to manage and prevent them. This helps improving patienty safety.
“An educational tool great for workshops, team meetings and events.”
“It's a fun way to learn about prevention of pressure ulcers and improving nursing quality.”
“It's suitable for all care settings.”
How the game works
Stop the Pressure an enjoyable board game for frontline clinical staff designed with
nurses. The game is an exciting, unusual and effective way for staff to learn about
prevention of pressure ulcers.
Two teams compete to answer questions about
ulcer prevention, and questions are designed to stimulate discussion and sharing
ideas. This
allows players to learn from each other's experience and knowledge.
Stop The Pressure takes between 45 and 60 minutes to play and can be used in
care setting. All you need is people, a table and some chairs. The rules are
simple and it’s incredibly easy to run a game.
It can be used as an educational tool at team meetings, study days, workshops and
It’s fun and it’s serious.
Online Version

We've created a simplified version of the board game that you can enjoy
are, for free...
Just click on the Play now!
button and
start playing. Then post your high score on our leader board and amaze your
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